Life Experts Questionnaire Form
Basic Information
Last Name:
First Name:
Date of Birth:
Phone Number:
Last Name:
First Name:
Date of Birth:
Phone Number:
Health Insurance:
National Identity Number:
Passport Number:
Initial Clinical Question
Number of months trying to be pregnant:
Have you ever been pregnant:
Pregnancy Termination:
Ectopic Pregnancies:
Children still alive:
Partner have children from previous relationships:
Family History
Are there any cases of breast cancer in the family:
Is there any genetic disease in the family:
Is diabetes known in the family:
Are there any psychiatric illnesses in the family:
Is there any history of thrombosis in the family:
Is there any heart disease in the family:
Is there any high blood pressure in the family:
Are there any cases of early menopause known in the family:
Has there been repeated miscarriage in the family:
Is there any thyroid disease in the family:
Are there any fertility problems in the family:
Clinical Research
Weight (kg):
Height (cm):
Change in weight during the last year:
Do you smoke:
If yes, how much per day:
Do you drink alcoholic drinks:
Do you use drugs:
Do you come in contact with harmful substances at work:
If yes, which one?
Medical History
Have you ever had a surgery:
If yes, which surgeries:
Have you ever been treated for any disease:
Have you had any other medical issues in the past:
Have you ever been hospitalized:
Have you ever been treated for genital inflammation:
If yes, when:
Have you ever had cervical smear test:
If yes, when?
Have you received vaccination for HPV:
Which medication are you taking regularly:
Which substance are you allergic to:
Previous Fertility Treatment
Have you ever had any infertility treatment:
If yes, how many attempts:
Which treatment?
Other treatment:
Ovulation induction:
Ovulation induction through injections:
Did you have IVF/ICSI before:
Where did you do the IVF/ICSI:
Did you do multiple IVF/ICSI:
How many Attempts:
# of Oocytes
# of Embryo
Have you ever had problems with transfers or egg retrivals:
Have you done egg donation before:
Donor type:
# of Transfers
Cycle Information
Have you ever used any form of contraception:
If yes, which one:
Did you ever have any problems with your IUD:
When did you have your menstrual period for the 1st time:
Is your cycle regular:
How long is your menstrual cycle:
Do you have a lot of symptoms before your period starts:
If yes, describe?
Do you have pronounced pain during your period:
Do you suffer from intermenstrual bleeding:
Do you suffer blood loss after sexual contact:
Do you have pain during sexual contact:
How often do you have sexual contact per month:
When did your last period start:
Own remarks:
Partner Family and Clinical Information
Are there any cases of breast cancer in the family:
Is there any genetic disease in the family:
Is diabetes known in the family:
Are there any psychiatric illnesses in the family:
Is there any history of thrombosis in the family:
Is there any heart disease in the family:
Is there any high blood pressure in the family:
Are there any cases of early menopause known in the family:
Has there been repeated miscarriage in the family:
Is there any thyroid disease in the family:
Are there any fertility problems in the family:
Clinical Research
Weight (kg):
Height (cm):
Change in weight during the last year:
Do you smoke:
If yes, how much per day:
Do you drink alcoholic drinks:
Do you use drugs:
Do you come in contact with harmful substances at work:
If yes, which one?
Partner Medical History
Have you ever had a surgey
If yes, which interventions have you underfone:
Have you ever been treated of any of the following diseases:
Have you ever had mumps:
Have you ever had severe pain in one or both testicles:
Have you ever been treated for an undescended testicles:
Have you ever been treated for a bladder infection (cystitis):
Do you have problems with erection or ejaculation:
Have you had any other medical issues in the past:
Have you ever been hospitalized:
Which medication are you taking regularly:
Which substance are you allergic to:
Has a semen analysis already been performed:
If yes, what is the result:
If you have had other partner, were any of them ever pregnant by you: