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Ovarian rejuvenation


Ovarian rejuvenation is an outpatient treatment performed at the Life Expert Center.


Who is eligible?

Patients with a reduced ovarian reserve usually due to advanced age where a low number of eggs is obtained as part of IVF treatment or due to the early onset of menopause.


How does the procedure work?

Under ultrasound control, the ovaries are punctured vaginally with a needle designed for this purpose and PRP (platelet rich plasma) is injected. To make this as comfortable as possible for you, this is done under sedation. In exceptional situations, especially when the ovaries cannot be clearly visualized on ultrasound, the injection of PRP is done via transvaginal laparoscopy. After the treatment you will stay in our recovery room for approximately 45 minutes, after which you can leave the center. Since the procedure takes place under sedation, you are not allowed to drive a car yourself.


How is PRP obtained?

To obtain platelet enriched plasma (PRP), a blood sample of approximately 60 cc is taken from you. This blood sample is then treated to achieve a concentration of 800,000 - 900,000 platelets/μL. This contains a large concentration of growth factors that will ensure an increase and formation of blood vessels and tissue regeneration. It are these factors that will ensure improved ovarian function.



Can I expect side effects?

Mild lower abdominal pain cannot be ruled out; you can use pain medication for this if necessary (paracetamol).  You should also not have intercourse for the first 24-48 hours.


Is there an immediate effect of the treatment?

Based on published studies and our own experience, an initial effect can be expected after 2-3 months. We do not immediately see a strong increase in the ovarian reserve (AMH), but usually sufficient to obtain a slightly larger number of eggs, important in patients with a low number of eggs during IVF treatments. There are no concrete data on how long the effect lasts.


How often should the treatment be repeated?

In some patients one treatment is sufficient, but from our own results we see that two treatments results in a higher percentage of pregnancies.

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Schipvaartstraat 4, B-3000 Leuven Belgium

Email: | Tel:  +32 16 270 190

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